Monday, January 30, 2012

Perception is Relative

Perception is relative to our lives. How we see each others and ourselves all depends on how we relate to our surroundings and our internalization of our own worlds. Is it the way we are brought up that influences how we react to situations or is it or our reactions which cause the strife and conflict in our life?

I often hear this phrase "There's always someone who has it worse than you.". This is usually said after some praise for my "strength and courage" because I choose to keep my disabled daughter and fight for everything we get instead of giving up. I have issues with hearing those words being spoken. I do not see how my happiness should be elevated because of someone else's misery. Living my life on that premise is like waiting for someone to die so you can feel more alive.

I also have a problem being put on a different level than everyone else. I am not any different from you. I get crabby, I yell at my kids when I shouldn't, I eat chips and leave dishes in the sink. Either I am deemed a super mom, a hero, a wonderwoman for bringing my kids out to our mommy & me group, cooked meals, no sleep, struggling through sick Scarlett...the list goes on, or I'm excused from all activities because I have "enough going on". Like my friend who's doing a walk for charity who said I was excused from donating because of all things Scarlett. It's not like I'm doing the work, making the walk or asking for money. How does that excuse me from being a decent human being and giving a donation for those who need it? I understand that everyone is trying to help out and make my life easier., but I want to feel as normal as possible and these situations always remind me that I'm just one step outside of the group.

I liken life to baking. Even if you're given the best of ingredients and follow the recipe step by step your cake can still fall flat. If you don't have everything on your list, substitute. Some of the best things are done on the fly and you would have never known how wonderful it could have turned out if you didn't step out of the box. Life is and should be messy. Roll up your sleeves and get creative.

Try to be happy with what you have. not because someone is worse off than you. Maybe life would be more fulfilling if we all strive to make "those worse off than us" better off than us.

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