Friday, January 27, 2012

My little Strugglett with a NG tube.

On oxygen, nebs, monitors, NG tube. She looks like a fighter pilot!

In her bath chair with a PEG tube.

With her little big brother, Carson.
 Thought I'd post some pictures of Scarlett. She's so damn cute! Looking through her pictures brings me so far back in time. The NG tube was placed in March 2011 because she simply stopped eating. We live in a remote area so I got to learn how to put one in in case it came out. And come out it did! Time and time again. I had to roll her in a blanket, sit on her chest, and ram the tube through her nose down past her gag reflex until it reached her tummy. Sometimes she'd scream ( well do you blame her? it burns!)
New Vitamix Blender. WHOOOO!

In her loaned wheelchair from the CDC (Child Development Center....was there not a better acronym available?) Name aside, these people rock!
 and the tube would come out her throat. *sigh* I'd have to pull it out and start again. Her skin would bleed from the tape placed there to protect it from the tube chaffing her little cheek.

The hospital picture was taken in June  2011. After the NG tube, Scarlett had severe respiratory illness. We went down via ambulance for this trip. That's two hours of sirens *ugh*. We were home for 9 days in June and didn't get home until mid July. I so missed my boys.

Scarlett had a PEG tube placed in her tummy at the end of June 2011 at BCCH. She was so happy to have the NG tube gone! But the Peg has it's draw backs too. The long tube was something she's pull on during bath time and diaper changes and feedings. It did however allow me to start blending real food so she could get all the good stuff we take for granted.

Her brothers are so great with her! I was sick recently and Scarlett was asleep hooked up to her feeding pump. I got a neighbour who doesn't know what to do with her to come over so I could get some subs for the kids' dinner and I put my nine year old in charge of flushing her line and disconnecting her if she were to wake in the 10 minutes I was gone. Big responsibility for a young boy! But that's normal in my house.

Scarlett got her Vitamix Blender in January 2012. O.M.G. I never thought it would be this easy to make her food! What a difference! Thank you to the Variety Children's Charity for paying for this expensive machine because now it only takes me minutes to blend food without the need to strain!
Wearing her new hair clips from Pretty Princess Hair Clips in Vancouver.

What a happy looking girl! You'd never know she is disabled to look at her. I'm so lucky to have her!

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